Every year, Société Nautique de Genève organizes a rowing team building event. Starting in June, rowing courses are organized for companies wishing to introduce their employees to this discipline. Interested parties attend classes once a week.
The culmination of these courses is the Défi Inter-entreprises, which takes place during the BCGE Tour du Léman à l’Aviron (TLA). This challenge, which requires registration, enables rowers to put into practice what they have learned during a short regatta. The start is at 10 a.m. (2 hours after the Tour du Léman start) and consists of a 400m race in which rowers represent their company.
This challenge allows rowers to experience a real racing atmosphere. All the more so as, this year, the official TLA referees will also be on hand to referee this regatta.
The course consists of a round trip between buoys. This also tests the rowers’ technique, not just their power.
This year, 44 people took part in the courses, representing 3 companies: Pictet, Medisupport and SGS. Who will take up the regatta challenge and represent their company?